Class Dojo Posters and Prize Booklet Freebie

Class Dojo Posters and Prize Booklet Freebie 1

Are you using Class Dojo for incentives? Then you will want to download this FREE packet Class Dojo Prize Points Poster and Booklet.
Class Dojo Posters and Prize Booklet Freebie 2

I used the Class Dojo app just to try it out at the end of last year for about 2-3 weeks to see how it works and if I wanted to use it next year. The kids loved it and this school year I want to use it starting out the year because my kids will have 1:1 ipads and will be able to check points and monitor their behavior. It also has great ways to track behavior to share with administrators and parents.

The packet comes with prize levels for 5, 10, 15 and 20 points. It comes with free or very inexpensive (sticker, piece of candy, and pencil) suggestions.

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In class we will erase Class Dojo points each week and kids can cash in points for prizes. If they want to save up points from the week to earn a more expensive prizes I will let them have a Class Dojo savings account. (This is just a spreadsheet class list where I record the points they are saving to transfer to the next week.)

The points posters will hang on the classroom wall so students can see what prizes they are working for each week. Copy and staple a booklet for each child. The booklet can be used to keep track of what prizes the kids earn. They can color in a prize that has been cashed in or you can hole punch the prize so they know it is used. If they earn all the prizes in the booklet they can start over with a new booklet or you can choose to have them earn the same prize over again and put tally marks on the prize so they know how many times they have earned the prize.

Lots of options- You can make you own class incentives using the free Class Dojo clipart on their website.  There are also parent letters to print and much more.

If you have not heard of Class Dojo you need to check it out!

I would love any comments for more FREE prize suggestions that work in your classroom to add to the packet.

6 Responses

  1. Wow! This looks great! Thanks so much for sharing ! I used Class Dojo for the second part of the school year last year and my kids loved it. I plan on using it again this year. Thanks!!

    1. Thanks for telling me. That's the one I meant to fix and then forgot to do it. Fixed now and reuploaded. I also added lunch in the classroom on the 20 points! Thanks for the suggestion. I have that for AR prize points and didn't think to add it to this too.

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