Classroom Tour

 It’s a jungle/wild theme classroom  
Classroom Tour 1

As you look in my classroom door this is what you will see. I have 20 students right now. The perfect amount for my classroom size, but usually get move ins at the last minute. I am lucky to be in a new school that is only 3 years old.  This will be my fourth year in this new school building.

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This is the view of my front wall. The stop sign on the wall is my discipline stop sign. You can read about it here and download a copy for free.

Close up view of my teaching area.  Love my pocket chart with zebra pockets from Mardel which I used lots last year. I keep all kinds of things we are working on right at my finger tips. And you can see my document camera and smart tablet which I use all day to teach my lessons.
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My desk area with computer and printer. Don’t usually sit her to much.

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My classroom library with lots of  “tree”mendous books. I made the window toppers last year by cutting tons of leaves out of the foamy craft sheets in different shades of green. I hot glued them on the curtain rod and they really dress up the plain old windows.
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My guided reading table. Behind you can see the  pocket charts where my students pick their Daily 5 rounds everyday.  They do this first thing in the morning as soon as they get to class. It works really well that way. They have to pick Read to Self and Word Work every day but the others are choices. If they meet with me that day I put a Meet with Teacher card in one of their slots.

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My CAFE, Daily 5 wall.  I added a double border on part of it and it really makes it pop.  My CAFE jungle themed cards can be found here for free.

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I added this cute little reading area this year which I am excited about. Kids can also sit here at this table with the wild crate seats or move them around the room for a seat somewhere else. I use them to store extra books for my classroom library. I can just switch out baskets to give kids some new books to read.

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We are lucky to have 3 computers in our class all the time. We also have access to a computer lab and mobile computer carts that we share with all K-5 students and classes.  The pocket chart on the wall is great for classroom management of paper turn in.  You can read a post about it here.

 These white numbered tubs are our book tubs for Daily 5 where the kids keep their books and notebooks.  They are ice cube bins from Walmart. I got them 3 years ago when they were 88¢ a piece. I think some other teachers at my school got them for around a $1.00 a piece the last few years.  They are great and sturdy, have held up great for the 3 years I have had them.  I have never replaced them yet.  They aren’t too colorful but I don’t put much on them because every year after school is over I run them through my dishwasher to clean them up.  Then I remark the numbers with Sharpie again. 
The skinny shelves above my tubs are for my Daily 5 supplies for Word Work. (Playdough, magnetic letters, letter stamps, etc.)
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These last two picts are my wonderful storage cupboards, packed full of lots of goodies.  I post WOW words we use for reading and writing on the cabinets.  The last view is from my desk the opposite of the first photo taken from that door. I hope you have enjoyed my classroom tour. Thanks Brigid for hosting this linky party.

Best wishes to everyone for a great 2012-2013 school year!!

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Hello! I’m Anita, the author of Goodwinnovate. I am currently a K-6 STEM/MAKERSPACE teacher. I have also taught 1st and 2nd grades, Title One reading and math in grades 1-3, and Reading Recovery. I love all things technology, and I love trying anything new. I look forward to sharing ideas with you. Click the button below to learn more about me.

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