Creating ART like Eric Carle

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Creating ART like Eric Carle 4Creating ART like Eric Carle 5 We
read the story The Tiny Seed in our Basal Reader.  For many years I have done
a fun Art Project with the students that they love. We first watch some
little slide shows on Eric Carle’s website
in the Photo and Video Gallery.  called How I paint my tissue papers and How I
create my pictures.  Eric Carle mixes paint with water and then paints tissue paper.  I use acrylic
paint mixed with water and fold 2 pieces of tissue paper together dull side up for students on a table to paint. (I get these in a pack of white tissue paper from
the dollar store or Walmart.)The kids then paint it with one solid
color. Then they use a contrasting color to paint little dots, or strips
or some design on the color.  Next we dab a little artist sponge on the
paper to give it texture. The papers turn out like above.  We cut the
paper into two pieces and let everyone pick out some paper.  I also have
scraps from years past for them to pick through. Then the students look
through many Eric Carle books to get an idea of what they want to make.
They draw it on plain white paper then cut it out and trace it onto the
back of the color they want.  My favorite pictures this year are below. I LOVE THE IPHONE with the Speakers!!  Happy Painting and hope you can create some cool ERIC CARLE artwork.

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Creating ART like Eric Carle 7

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Hello! I’m Anita, the author of Goodwinnovate. I am currently a K-6 STEM/MAKERSPACE teacher. I have also taught 1st and 2nd grades, Title One reading and math in grades 1-3, and Reading Recovery. I love all things technology, and I love trying anything new. I look forward to sharing ideas with you. Click the button below to learn more about me.

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