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Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop

Indiana Goes Back to School… I know everyone has a different start date but the countdown is on…

I want to thank Jenny at Ignite Learning with Conscious Discipline

Ignite Learning LLC  with Conscious Discipline

for sending you my way. If you are starting here you will want to head back to her blog and see what else others are giving away.  There is a freebie on every stop on this blog hop. If you want to go to the beginning of the Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop and HOP all the way through from start to finish start here…

Teaching Through Turbulence

Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop 1

Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop 2

Dreamdays is the app I used to get the above picture. I got it for free on Apps Gone Free App but it is now 99¢. You might want to keep an eye out for it if it goes for free again. I love that you can put any picture in the background and you can countdown to lots of different events all at once!

The background picture is my classroom and notice the cardboard boxes on my bookshelves…this means new reading series. We adopted McMillan McGraw Hill Journeys which is the same company we had before so the set up will be the same, but many other things will be different.

Another new thing about our school this next year is we will be 1:1 ipad mini’s in K-2 and 1:1 full size ipads in grades 3-5.  Seems like it should be the other way but mini’s are not compatible with testing yet. I will be sharing lots of apps and ideas this next year about how we are using them in our classroom if you want to follow my blog posts.

Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop 3

I made this ipad clip art set so I would have something to type my back to school rules on for the ipads. Head on over to my store if you are interested in purchasing.

Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop 4

Well enough about that. I’m sure your here for the freebie! At least that’s why I would be doing this hop!! 🙂 I will be reviewing the basics in my writing mini-lessons those first weeks of school. Talking about types of sentences and punctuation is one topic we always cover. I fell in love with Mo Willems books last year. I always thought they were for kids much younger than my age but my students absolutely loved them. This packet is filled with lots of activities to use for types of sentences: commands, statements, exclamations and questions. There are posters, sorts, comic strips, summarizing sheets, and a game. So head on over to my store to download Pigeon Punctuation.

You will want to come back after downloading so you can head over to see Allison at Stuckey in Second.

Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop 5

She’s a new friend and I just started following her blog too.  Just click on the blog hop link button or name link and you will be on your way to the next stop!  Don’t forget to HOP clear until the end because we are giving away a $75.00 gift card to the place of the winner’s choice.

Who wouldn’t love winning that?  HOP ON…
Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop 6

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Hello! I’m Anita, the author of Goodwinnovate. I am currently a K-6 STEM/MAKERSPACE teacher. I have also taught 1st and 2nd grades, Title One reading and math in grades 1-3, and Reading Recovery. I love all things technology, and I love trying anything new. I look forward to sharing ideas with you. Click the button below to learn more about me.

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