Lesson Planners-A School Week Linky

Lesson Planners-What Kind do you use? 
I am joining with Tracey at The Teacher’s Chair in this School Week Linky.
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This linky really got me thinking I need to spruce up my weekly lesson plans this year and make them look a little more cheery. I’ve seen so many bloggers getting really cool planners that you write in, but my handwriting is not the best. Our school gives us a dull-boring planner for free but I always make my own template on the computer and print it off and tape it in the planner. Three ring binders and plastic sleeves are nice but I don’t want to have to take them all out of it at the end of the year. (Anything that saves me time.) I remember the “good old days” having to copy everything for the week that stayed the same over and over each week. The good old days saying usually never holds up to its name. There was no good in that.

I like to make my templates go across a row for each day of the week which is different than a lot of the templates I see online because they go down. I’ve used both Pages (Word or Publisher for Mac) and Numbers (Excel for Mac) to make my templates over the past few years. I really don’t have a preference because they both do the same things just in a little different way. You can get lots of templates online. I did a search yesterday and found this one.

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It is a free Lesson Plan template that goes down like most people prefer and you can download it and tweak as you want.

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Here’s my  Old and Ugly from 2 years ago. Last years was very similar. My handwriting starts out so nice and neat the 1st few weeks of school then goes downhill from there. I’m to embarrassed to show the written on plans.  I’m pretty embarrassed to even show the template but it sure makes my new one look so much better. 
Here’s the New and Nice lesson plan template I made for this year. I even added a little clip art and color background. Can you see the big SMILE on my face. I’m cheery already!!

I would like to try typing my plans in the template on the computer this year and then save them as a pdf into dropbox and pull them into ibooks to view. They will look much neater and it would save paper. I am worried because I will be using my ipad so much to teach and practice things on that this might not be the best way to access them. Any suggestions?

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 Here is how it looks on the ipad pulled up in dropbox. I love the look so nice crisp and clear.
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 If you want to know how to open it from dropbox to ibooks I have some steps. 
First you click the down arrow in the top corner and a box shows up that looks like the one above. Next you tap open in…
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 Any apps I have that read pdf files that you have on your ipad will open up.  If you don’t have any of these ibooks should be there. Tap it.
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 Then it will look like this in ibooks. If you tap the word Library in the top left corner of the page…

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Then you will be able to see any files or books you have in ibooks.
Hopefully this was helpful. I would love to know if you use digital lesson plans ways you suggest to access them.  Please feel to leave a comment with your ideas or suggestions for lesson planners or templates. I’m very excited to use new lesson plan template whether I use it on the ipad or print it out and write on it.

2 Responses

  1. I LOVE the way you are pulling those up on your iPad! We are just getting tablets, but I am familiar with iPads. I wonder what they will open in on the windows tablet? I understand what you mean about using the iPad for viewing plans and teaching…there must be some way around that, but I love your determination to go paperless-it's very inspiring. You did a great job with your lesson plan makeover too! I love the template- it looks fantastic! Thanks for linking up…I hope to see you again this week 🙂
    The Teacher’s Chair
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