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Oh Lovely Mud…Wishy Washy Fun and Freebies

It seems to be the season of LOVELY MUD. After the rains we’ve had lately we sure have a lot of the lovely stuff. I was so excited to be contacted by Hameray Publishing to review a new Mrs. Wishy Washy book. If you know Mrs. Wishy Washy you know she loves clean animals.
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Wishy Washy Clothes by Joy Cowley is a wonderful book in which Mrs. Wishy Washy washes her clothes and hangs them out to dry and each of the animals puts on a piece of her clothing and pretends to become Mrs. Wishy Washy. When she comes back to get her clothes off the line she is shocked to find her clothes gone and then she laughs and laughs at the animals dressed in her clothes. As I was reading the book at home I loved the story, but I was thinking it an easy text for most of my 2nd grade students. My mind began to become filled with lots of ideas.

The next day I sent out an email to K-1 teachers at my school and asked to borrow any Mrs. Wishy Washy Books. I ended up with some great Wishy Washy Titles like: Mrs.Wishy-Washy and the Big Tub, Mrs. Wishy-Washy and the Big Farm Fair, Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Christmas, Wishy Washy Day, along with another book I was sent to preview from Hameray Publishing Mrs. Wishy-Washy and the Big Wash. In this story Mrs. Wishy Washy runs out of water so she takes the animals into town and runs them through the car wash.

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Check out the video of Mrs. Wishy Washy and the Big Wash read by the author Joy Cowley of this book.

One student even brought in Mr. Wishy Washy from home and I was also able to borrow 11 Mrs. Wishy Washy Books. Our comprehension skill of the week was summarizing so I read each Wishy Washy book to my students and had them summarize the stories. They absolutely loved the Wishy Washy books and laughed so much. I really fell in love with them myself and ended up creating a freebie unit for TPT.

After having tons of fun with Mrs. Wishy Washy Books. I shared my idea of pairing up with the kindergarten classes with my students and they were so excited. They even came up with the idea to write their own versions of Mrs. Wishy Washy.

I found 2 freebies on TPT of Wishy Washy Books that Kindergarten students could read to us and we assembled books for them to read and then take home. We practiced reading Mrs. Wishy Washy to each other so we could read it to the k students. Freebie One Freebie Two

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Then we rehearsed a Reader’s Theater skit of Wishy-Washy Clothes. We planned about 20 minutes in each classroom. We read Mrs. Wishy Washy to them and did a character and setting sheet with them. Then had them read the books we assembled to us, preformed the Reader’s Theater Skit, and read some new versions of Mrs. Wishy Washy we came up with. We left them writing paper and a coloring page to do later. We also left them a Mrs. Wishy Washy Reader’s Theater with a set of stick puppets we made so they could have their own play. All these items are here in my Mrs. Wishy Washy Freebie on TPT.

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Also check out some Mrs. Wishy Washy and other Activities on and

We also rounded up some finger puppets to borrow and made some little Wishy Washy Videos using the app Vid Rhythm. See if you can hear the Wishy Washy anywhere in them.

I hope you can see we had lots of fun with Mrs. Wishy Washy in our Second Grade Classroom.
The opinions in this post are all my own and I was not compensated for this post.

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Hello! I’m Anita, the author of Goodwinnovate. I am currently a K-6 STEM/MAKERSPACE teacher. I have also taught 1st and 2nd grades, Title One reading and math in grades 1-3, and Reading Recovery. I love all things technology, and I love trying anything new. I look forward to sharing ideas with you. Click the button below to learn more about me.

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