Elf in the Classroom | Case of the Missing Candy Canes


The Case of the Missing Candy Canes. It is an fun 8 day mystery that you can use with any classroom elf. You just put the clues your classroom elf.

You place candy canes on your class Christmas Tree (I had my student place them on the tree) and then one morning they are gone and you have a clue to find out where they are. My students absolutely loved it and it is a great way to count down to Winter Break. Each day makes a holiday type word and then after they have found all the letter clues each day it will spell out the mystery place where the candy canes were placed. Each day there is a making words activity where they write as many words as they can to go with the letters of word they found. There is also a writing template so they can do a little writing with that word as a them.

Case of the missing candy canes activity

*8 clues which last for 8 days; 8 making words activity pages

*8 Creative writing templates to go with the mystery word for making words.

*Mini Snowball Fight-Synonym & Antonyms activity.

*All about Elves reading activity. (11 cards to read and answer)

This is an activity where you hang the elf fun fact cards around the room and students answer a question from each elf fact card.

*Dear Santa letter template.

*8 notes from Santa if you have an Elf (of any type) in your room

*1 creative writing template for writing an Elf Story

©Anita Goodwin