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How to Survive As A Firefly Book Companion | Digital Templates


This product is specially designed to work with the app Pic Collage or Pic Collage Kids.

It includes 12 different templates to be used with the book How to Survive as a Firefly

There are QR codes to scan and download photo templates to your iPad or you can download the product to iBooks and airdrop the photo files to your student iPads.

Check out preview to see all the templates that are included.

Templates Include Reading, Writing, Poetry, Comprehension, and Research

Templates 1 Firefly Facts- other research

Templates 2 Catching Fireflies

Templates 3 Firefly Poem- Read and Highlight Rhymes

Templates 4 My Poem- write a firefly poem

Templates 5 Firefly Facts from Book

Template 6 Read the Glossary

Template 7 &8 Write definitions, sentences or add

pictures to symbolize the vocabulary words.

Template 9 Add Speech Bubbles with Shape Tool and

type what each stage of the firefly would say.

Template 10 Questions from book to answer

Template 11 Know and Learned Firefly Facts

Template 12 Draw a Firefly

Happy Creating