iPad Lessons gives you everything you need to teach using free apps and your classroom ipads. (Perfect for classrooms with 1:1 iPads or small sets of iPads.)
Simple, Easy Lessons With Little Teacher preparation.
Animal Facts…
is a 1 day lesson to give you an idea of what is included in my iPad lessons. Students will make a digital mini poster using the free app ZooKazam and Educreations.
(Please note this is only a sample lesson. Paid iPad lessons include multiple days of lessons and videos, rubrics for grading, ways to extend the lessons into workstations in your classroom.)
1. Download the paid app ZooKazam and FREE app Educreations. (Note: there is a free version of the app to try to see if you want to purchase and your students could use this and research different animals not included in this set.)
2. Copy the Research pages and recording sheets.
3. Play the video as your class follows along with their iPad.
Whats Included?:
1. Explicit written teaching instructions with full color photos.
2. A video lesson that walks students through everything
they need to do on the iPad.
3. A QR code of video so that if students need to rewatch it on their own they can do that. (I-nigma app is recommended to scan the QR codes.)
Check out these other iPad Lessons
iPad Lesson What does the Box Say
iPad Lesson A Few of My Favorite Things
©Anita Goodwin
Kids love hands-on, engaging projects, and they also love to talk. Am I right? Why not capitalize on this and use the motivation to learn? I’d love to share this FUN and ENGAGING green screen project with you among other lesson ideas, freebies, and tips. Click the link below to grab your copy TODAY!