Snowballs Book Companion with Reading and Writing | Math and Science Activities


This set includes Snowball Reading, Writing, Math, and Science Activities

to go with the book Snowballs by Lois Ehlers

-science experiment

-iPad activities

-writing a story about snowmen

-verb hunt


-make a weather report

-gather weather data

Please download the preview to see everything included.

This set includes activities to be completed with iPads but there are also many activities if you don’t have any classroom iPads

Page 5 -QR code to scan for digital worksheets

Page 6 -samples of snowmen to make with Faces iMake app.

(Videos to show how to use app are on the QR code and

also digital worksheets that students can save to camera roll

and add to an app to record answers.)

Page 7 -links to apps to use for digital projects

Page 8-more ideas –page 9 goes with it

Page 10-11 copy this page front to back to use the first time you

are reading the story to students. Students answer questions

as you read.

Page 12-15 Make a story or poem to go with your digital snowman.

If you don’t have iPads draw pictures and write your story to go

with it. (there are different sheets to chose from)

Page 16-17 Reread the story and find adjectives the author used

to describe what happened when the snow melted. Then add your

own words with a thesaurus. Melted is a good word to search in

the thesaurus to find new words.

Page 18-19 a verb search- some sample answers are given but

not every verb in the book is written down

Page 20- Study the back of the book weather reports and write

your own. Use Telestory app to record it on iPads if you have

them. The app tells you step by step what to do. Just pick

Weather report category.

Page 21- bring a snowball from outside and weigh it each day for

2 weeks. Talk about evaporation and how it is changing to a gas.

Page 23-28 snowman experiment-supplies and directions.

Page 29-43 Digital worksheets to go with iPads.