Techie Sweetheart Fun-Vocabulary Activities


Do you like to do things with those candy sweethearts? Then this is an a fun set to add to your candy heart activities with a techie twist. This set includes QR codes so you will need iPads. You will also need dice, counters or sweetheart candies for counters.

There are 3 fun activities in this set. You could use them as centers, small group, or whole group activities.

Activity 1: Vocabulary Game-Dump the Sweethearts

All students need practice with vocabulary and this is a fun game to use with any vocabulary words that come with your series or that you are trying to help your students master. Students should have practiced words before playing game. It is great for extra review or more practice with the vocab words you are studying. It comes with a blank sheet for kids to fill in vocabulary words they are studying. (There are 4 different game board varieties.) There is a tech version and a non- tech version. One version requires you to scan QR codes for the number on the dice you roll to see what to do. Another version has game boards to print off with instructions of what to do after you roll the dice. The goal is to be the first to cover all the hearts on your board. You need to know things about your vocabulary word like synonyms, antonyms, meaning of your word, or even how to use it in a sentence. Be careful not to roll the number that makes you Dump the Sweethearts!

Activity 2- How are Sweethearts Made?

This is a reading activity that you will scan a QR code and watch a video to see how Sweethearts are made. It comes with 7 questions to answer as you read. It also comes with an answer key.

Activity 3- Make a Digital Vocabulary Heart using Chatterpix Kids and a website to make a digital sweetheart. There are step by step written instructions on how to make it using the app.

This is an activity using your vocabulary words you are studying. It comes with a sheet to record your word, circle part of speech, define it, draw a picture of it, record synonyms and antonyms, and then use it in a sentence. After you pick your word you will record you can scan the QR code and get started.

I hope you enjoy these fun techie activities.

Check out my website for more techie ideas.