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Read Alouds-some FREEbies to go with the books shared

Read Alouds- Come share your favorites with us.
I am joining with Tracey at The Teacher’s Chair all week in this School Week Linky.
 I could list 100’s of favorite Read Alouds but I will share my favorites for the first week of school. Definitely addicted to picture books!!
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 Every book has the best lessons about ways to treat others and how to act. This is great to talk about when students are learning class procedures and making new friends the things that happen those first few days. My students always love hearing the stories and having discussions about the characters in them. I love that Henkes uses some of the characters in more than one book and the students notice this right away. They seem to fall in love with all the mice.
I found this great set of favorite author posters on TPT for free from That’s so Second Grade. Kevin Henkes is in it and many more . I can’t wait to use it this year when I read the books to the students!
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I have some sheets that I made that the students will fill out after listening to all the stories. Click here or on one of the pictures below to download your copy for FREE from Google Docs!
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The past few years I have started the school year out with this chapter book… The World According to Humphrey. The students just rave about this story. If you haven’t ever read it you just have to check it out. It’s about a cute little hamster that lives in a classroom and the adventures he has during the day and after school when the students are gone. There are some FREE activities on Betty Birney’s Website.

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I made these activities last year for my students to go with the book. Students loved making their own hamster and then writing a story about it. Boy there were some creative hamsters! Head on over and download them at my TPT store because they are” FOR FREE.” said like Skeeter Bronson in movie Bedtime Stories.  If you haven’t seen the movie you definitely have to watch it.  There is a guinea pig in it named Bugsy who has these bug out eyes and he is so cute. Hamster…Guinea Pig both similar pets.

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Well I could tell many other favorite books but these are great for starting the year. I would love to hear your favorite READ ALOUDS too. Link up with us and share the ones you love and stop back tomorrow for Best Games!

2 Responses

  1. I enjoy Kevin Henkes, too. Wen my daughter was little, we bought Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, and it came with a little purple, plastic purse! I'll have to check out the other book – sounds good! Sara

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Hello! I’m Anita, the author of Goodwinnovate. I am currently a K-6 STEM/MAKERSPACE teacher. I have also taught 1st and 2nd grades, Title One reading and math in grades 1-3, and Reading Recovery. I love all things technology, and I love trying anything new. I look forward to sharing ideas with you. Click the button below to learn more about me.

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